Ready To Upgrade Your RV? Now Is The Best Time To Sell Your Old One!


Are you ready to upgrade from your current RV to something that’s a little bigger, a little better, and of course offers more amenities? If so then now is the perfect time of year to sell your current RV, so you can make a little more money to put toward your new RV. Before you prop the “for sale by owner” sign up and park your rig in the front yard there are a few things you need to do to make sure your RV sells sooner rather than later and you get the most money during the sale.

The first step to selling your RV is determining a fair asking price. Using NADA you can input information regarding the mileage, paint, roof, and overall condition, and get an idea of what your RV is selling for. Take some time to give your RV a thorough inspection both inside and out so the information you plug into the NADA website is accurate. It’s important to be honest with yourself about the condition of your RV and price you can ask. Not doing so will only slow the selling process.

Once you have an idea of what you can ask from private buyers you are now ready to move to step two: detailing your RV. This isn’t exactly the most exciting part of selling, but it’s a must if you want to appeal to buyers who come to view your RV. Make sure the exterior is washed, waxed, and polished. Remove everything that is yours from the interior, vacuum, dust, and ensure you’ve sprayed a light, pleasant air freshener. If your RV is a towable ensure you’ve got an accurate log of the miles put on it. If you’re selling a motorhome perform routine maintenance like an oil and air filter change so you give the new owners a clean slate.

After your RV is in tip top shape now comes the key to selling your RV: good marketing. Take several pictures of both the inside and outside of the RV, paying special attention to the kitchen, bathroom, and bedroom, as these are the main areas people want to see. Exterior pictures should show the condition of the tires and overall body of the rig. Using your pictures and good memories made with the RV as inspiration write a detailed description that would make people want to see the RV. Post to websites like Craigslist or and wait for people to schedule a time to visit. Ask friends to share links to your postings on Facebook and Twitter to spread the news of your RV being for sale.

Now, before you seal the deal with a potential buyer it’s important to protect yourself during the selling process. Never accept personal checks from buyers. Always tell others if you have someone coming to your home to view the RV or if you’re meeting a potential buyer somewhere. Never make a sales transaction online unless the person is using a PayPal verified account. If you choose to accept payment via PayPal, proceed with caution. If something doesn’t feel right don’t sell! It’s better to be safe than sorry.

Have you ever sold your RV to upgrade to a new one? What tips do you have? Share with us on Facebook.

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